Challenge RULES

  1. *State your Drop 10 Challenge Goal here: http://www.58fitness.com/drop-10-forms.php

  2. *Log your food/beverage/activity every day. Find a notepad or use an app like My Fitness Pal (add me as a friend for more accountability: michellekruserd@gmail.com), or just take photos of meals with your phone. You must record every single thing that goes in your mouth. You must also record physical activity. For some people, this will be the hardest part of the whole challenge. Awareness is the goal. You can’t change what you don’t know. Own your choices ;-).

  3. You must MOVE every day. No exceptions. No excuses.

  4. Do not drink your calories. Start this part of the challenge now. We’ll make it official in week 3. You must not drink sugary sodas or sweet teas or sugar in your coffee during the challenge. If you’re drinking diet sodas or not drinking enough water, we’ll get to that later. If you are drinking sugary drinks, say goodbye today J. If you need help weaning or with replacement options, call, email or text me. I will help you J. Same goes for alcoholic beverages. Limit them or plan ahead for the additional calories. Light beer, dry wine, and gin/tonic are the better choices.

  5. *Weigh in today or tomorrow. Record your weight in your journal. You do NOT have to share this number. If it helps you stay accountable, your secret is safe with me. You may weigh-in in your building nurse’s office or at home. The key is to weigh on the same scale each week.

  6. Be supportive and social! Share your workouts or recipes. Share photos of SPRING from your outdoor walks and workouts. Twitter: #Fit58 You can also email them to me and I’ll share with the group! My perfect morning workout: walking with my dog. I took this photo Monday morning.

How to WIN Drop 10:  This will be determined by building.  I will supply prizes to each building and let the buildings decide how they want to divvy the CA$H!