Cooking 101

Open a tip sheet for instructions and recipe ideas.  More recipes to the right.

Cooking_Eggs.pdf Cooking_Eggs.pdf
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Cooking-Vegetables.pdf Cooking-Vegetables.pdf
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Cooking_Lentils.pdf Cooking_Lentils.pdf
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Cooking-Beans.pdf Cooking-Beans.pdf
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Nutrition and Cooking

All About Eggs


Hey Yellowjackets!

Week 4 of Quarantine is almost over.  I pray you are all well.  

They may be simple, but eggs are one of the most affordable proteins you can buy.  There are so many ways to cook them, but here are a couple of my favorites.  Remember, it’s super-easy to make a nutritious, healthy meal when you think protein and colorful vegetables or fruits.

Here is a make-ahead egg dish you can store in the refrigerator and eat all week.  

Also, check out this tip sheet for all things eggs:  How to Scramble Eggs, How to Poach Eggs, How to Boil Eggs, etc. etc. 


Easy Egg Bake

  • 12 eggs 
  • Veggies of your choice (lots of them – the more the better).  I like mushrooms, spinach, bell peppers, you can even DRAIN liquid from canned tomatoes and use the tomatoes if that’s all you have on hand.  
  • Whisk eggs in a large bowl and add vegetables.  
  • Pour into a 9x13” pan lightly coated with olive oil or other cooking spray. 
  • Bake at 350 until firm.  
  • Cool.  Refrigerate. 

 Cut into 6 squares and reheat for an easy breakfast (or any time) meal.

Curried Egg (Tuna optional)

I know, egg and tuna salad sounds gross, but trust me - here are two delicious ways to “doctor” these pantry staples.  

  • 2 Cans Tuna, Drained of water (optional)
  • 6 hard boiled eggs
  • 2 T mayonnaise
  • 2 tsp curry powder
  • Drain tuna, chop eggs and stir together.  Add more curry to taste.  Add chopped cucumber, bell peppers, even spinach!  Make a sandwich or salad.  This serves 4 people.  
  • Spicy Tuna/Egg

    Don’t knock it til you’ve tried it.  This was my grandma’s favorite way to serve it and she was still making it at 92 years-old, so it must be good for you ;-).

  • 1 can tuna, drained
  • 2 hard boiled eggs
  • ¼ cup salsa - or more - make it how you like it.  Go as spicy here as you like
  • ¼ cup shredded cheese
  • Mix together and serve over salad greens or on a rice cake, toast or Triscuit crackers.
  • Posted 244 weeks ago

    Make at Home Recipe 1:  LENTILS

    Lentils are a terrific source of protein and fiber - and they're super-affordable.  They also keep in your pantry for the long-haul!  Wondering how to prepare these nutrition super-stars?  Click here for preparation how-to's and recipe ideas.

    Image by <a href=Ariel Núñez Guzmán from Pixabay" />