Click on this link: Event Signup
Register Yourself:

Previous Users

Click "Login" button and Enter email address and password in the popup dialog

Click on "Login"


Enter your Email address

Click on “Forgot your password?”

A temporary password will be emailed to your email address

When your temporary password is received enter it with your email address

Click on “Login”

New Users (Never used the scheduler before)

Click on "New here?  Create an account”

Fill out all the requested information in the popup dialog

Click on “Register” 

 Register Additional Contacts / Family Members:

Click on “Manage Contacts” (top menu)

Click on “Add New Contact”

Fill out all the requested information

Click on “Save”

To schedule appointment, click on “New Signup” (top menu)


Scheduling Appointment(s):

Click on "Select" beside Clinic you wish to attend

Click on "New Signup" corresponding with the time you would like 

Click on the names of the individual(s) you are signing up

Click the service or services you would like to receive

Select “Complete Signup”

A clinic confirmation will appear on left side of screen

Click on "Get Event Forms" to the view forms associated with the Clinic/Services or “Next Signup” to sign up for additional contacts On the Forms menu, Click on "View" or "Download" next to each form you would like to view/print/complete Bring completed Consent Form(s) and your insurance card to the clinic

You will receive an email confirming your appointment and reminder emails prior to the clinic

You can also sign up additional contacts for different services by repeating steps above under “Scheduling Appointments” on these instructions.


To Exit the Scheduler…Select “Logout” in the upper right corner


Changing an Appointment:

Click on this link: Event Signup

Locate the signup on the left hand side and click on “Change” button

Click “Select Event” for a different clinic or click "Change" at the new time slot, same clinic

Select the service or services you would like to receive

Click on “Complete Change”

The new clinic time will appear on appointment confirmation on left side of screen


To Exit the Scheduler…Select “Logout” in the upper right corner