21-DayHydrate.docx 21-DayHydrate.docx
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April2017_21-Day_Walk.docx April2017_21-Day_Walk.docx
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Complete all three challenges for a chance to win ONE of EIGHT 2-week meal delivery services from Blue Apron!

April Log Forms:

You'll  receive a log/completion form for each challenge.  

Challenge 1: February 6-26 - Walk a mile (or more) a day.  During the week, do it at work - use the indoor trails or walk outside your building.  I’ll send you a special pin to attach to your lanyard.  If you’re wearing the pin and you work or are housed in any school building (not CO), you may wear walking shoes/sneakers to work every day of the challenge (this has been pre-approved by all building principals… thank you)! 

Challenge 2:  March 1 – March 28 – Nutrition!  All participants will receive an insulated Center lunch bag and some healthy snacks during the week.  For 21 days (you get a break over spring break – but bonus points if you keep it going!) do one or both of the following:

  1. Eat at least 3 different colors from veggies/fruits every day (keep track)
  2. Keep a food diary (use an online tracker like My Fitness Pal or pen/paper or keep it easy and take a photo diary with your phone.  Every time your hand comes to mouth (yes, even if it’s for 2 m&m’s,) write it down (or snap a photo).

Challenge 3: March 30 – April 19Hydrate! Stop the pop and sugary drinks.  Commit to drink at least 64 oz water (even better, set a goal to drink ½ your weight – pounds to ounces- in water every day) AND commit to cutting your sugary drink/soda intake by half.  All participants will receive a special tumbler before the start of this challenge!  (Already doing this?  Keep it up – you can still enter the challenge.)